

Why Do People See A Chiropractor?


Relief Care
Our goal is to eliminate or reduce the majority of your discomfort and stabilise your initial complaint and health concerns. Visits are frequent and regular, normally two times a week.
Corrective Care
Our objective is to correct any underlying spinal problems as well as strengthen the muscles, improve spinal function and promote healing of tissues. Visits are less frequent, normally once a week or once a fortnight.
Wellness Care
The majority of clients at Day Chiropractic choose wellness care for themselves and their families. Maintaining a properly functioning spine and nervous system may catch small problems before they become serious and allow you to be your best. Visits are less frequent, normally every four to six weeks.

What Happens? & When?

What to expect on your first visit
To find out if we can help you, we ask questions and listen. On your first visit we will sit down with you and discuss your current health situation. We then perform an examination of your concern to assess whether you are a good candidate for chiropractic care. This includes a physical, orthopaedic and neurological examination. We may also refer for further investigations such as X-ray, CT or MRI scans. Such imaging is typically not required with children.
You should allow 40 minutes for your first visit
What to expect on your second visit
We will tell you what we have found, what we can do to help and how long it may take. Our practice enjoys high levels of patient satisfaction because we explain everything in advance.
You should allow 30 minutes for your second visit
Regular Visits
A typical ongoing treatment visit will be approximately 15 minutes and as well as discussing your progress, follow-up visits will involve repeating a few important tests that showed up from your initial examination. This way we can continue to monitor your improvement. Your care will involve spinal adjustments/manipulation, soft tissue therapy and home management advice, as needed.
Spinal adjustments/manipulations are gentle and specific movements to the spine and are performed differently depending on your age and type of spinal problem. Other techniques may include extremity adjusting and various muscle techniques.

Most follow-up visits only take about 10-15 minutes. We respect your time and will try our best to see you at, or very close to, your scheduled appointment time.

How do we work?

The chiropractors at Day Chiropractic Centre are equipped with a range of techniques both gentle and firm to suit your body and personal preference. In the initial consult we will put together a plan to best suit you and treat you comfortably.
Our Skill Set Includes;
The oldest and the most widely used and taught technique that chiropractors employ which gives the "popping", or cavitations, of the joints.
A technique which was created by the son of an engineer who had an advanced insight of the mechanics of the spine who revolutionised spinal adjusting and gave a whole new perspective to chiropractic treatment.
Activator Methods
Use of a small, hand-held metal instrument that delivers a gentle but very fast thrust. The thrust is developed from the rapid release of a compressed spring inside the instrument. Cavitation, or "popping", of the joint typically does not occur. The majority of the adjustments are performed with you lying face down.
Sacro-Occipital Technique
A very light technique which revolves around gently setting the foundation of your spine as well as the upper most portions of your neck into the right place.
Applied Kinesiology
Uses muscle testing to locate problem areas in your body which may or may not be producing symptoms yet which need to be addressed, as well as giving us insight into how best to treat your condition. Applied Kinesiology is often used as a part of our assessment of your problem.

Chiropractic Consultation Fees

  Adult Concession/Child (Under 18)
Initial Consultation $98.00 $83.00/$75.00
Regular Visit $69.00 $64.00/$57.00

Re-Exam (no visit for 12 months)

